EMPUR > en > Company > Legal notice
Legal notice
Industriepark Nord 60
53567 Buchholz-Mendt
Represented by:
Sven Eckert
Sven Grafe
Christian Harms-Ensink
Telephone: +49 (0)2683 96062-0
Fax: +49 (0)2683 96062-99
Email: info(at)empur.com
Register entry:
Entry in the Trade Register.
Registration court: Montabaur Magistrate’s Court
Register number: HRB 13616
VAT identification number in accordance with § 27 a of the Value Added Tax Act: DE 191215873
Responsible for contents in accordance with § 18 paragraph 2 of the Interstate Media Treaty (MStV): Sven Eckert, Sven Grafe, Christian Harms-Ensink
Entry in the Trade Register.
Registration court: Montabaur Magistrate’s Court
Register number: HRB 13616
VAT identification number in accordance with § 27 a of the Value Added Tax Act: DE 191215873
Responsible for contents in accordance with § 18 paragraph 2 of the Interstate Media Treaty (MStV): Sven Eckert, Sven Grafe, Christian Harms-Ensink
Picture credits:
Hosan Industrie- und Werbefotografie
Fotolia: Francesco83, contrastwerkstatt, rachenkov, nuzza11, fotogestoeber, goodluz, Nichizhenova Elena, Romolo Tavani, Robert Kneschke, Jürgen Priewe, Stanisic Vladimir, Marco2811, REDPIXEL, IckeT, rachenkov, Abeselom Zerit, detailblick-foto
iStock: nyul, Robert Daly, GlobalStock, LuckyBusiness, skynesher, emholk, g-stockstudio, damircudic, izusek, dima_sidelnikov, Neustockimages, shapecharge
AdobeStock: bluebay2014
Hosan Industrie- und Werbefotografie
Fotolia: Francesco83, contrastwerkstatt, rachenkov, nuzza11, fotogestoeber, goodluz, Nichizhenova Elena, Romolo Tavani, Robert Kneschke, Jürgen Priewe, Stanisic Vladimir, Marco2811, REDPIXEL, IckeT, rachenkov, Abeselom Zerit, detailblick-foto
iStock: nyul, Robert Daly, GlobalStock, LuckyBusiness, skynesher, emholk, g-stockstudio, damircudic, izusek, dima_sidelnikov, Neustockimages, shapecharge
AdobeStock: bluebay2014